March 2014 News

Everywhere I go, I’m hearing people grumbling, like an echo of my inner voice.  “When is this winter going to end?”  The snowbanks have been higher than I’ve seen here in years.  Shovelling was particularly challenging because there was just no where to put the snow with the snow along the driveway as tall as I am.  Today, we have above zero temperatures and rain is coming so hopefully we will experience spring in the next couple of weeks.  It will be such a joy when the weather is more hospitable, the birds are singing and the snow is gone.

Here are a few photographs in a series I call “Nature’s Etchings” of a log with some intricate scratchings on it as a result of travelling down Silver Creek until it got lodged across the creek behind our Collingwood house.

Vision Speak News

A lot of people have been asking me lately about my novel.  Until recently, I have to admit that I have been neglecting “Vision Speak” and have not been involved with any activities related to promoting it.  Two small announcements in this area:

1) I have decided to pull the podcast of “Vision Speak”.  Although there were steady downloads, I’ve not had any evidence that it’s really helping to drive sales or interest and, as I never finished with the podcast, it seemed time to move on.  I am so busy in so many different areas, that it’s time to focus.

2) I am working with a small script-writing group and my project is to create a bible for a TV series for “Vision Speak” along with the pilot script.  I hope to have this done before summer and then will look into selling it.

I’ve also been very busy with my IT/business pursuits – more on this on my Future Day site.

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