A few images to close off 2014. Christmas this year was wet and the creek overflowing but the deep freeze came before the new year. There was the usual flurry of activity between Remme family gatherings on the 24th and 25th, including a rambuctious indoor snowball fight on Christmas day. I must purchase this kit for myself, such fun. It was a hot item in the annual cut-throat Santa game. On the 27th, we had the annual Watt family gathering. It’s great to pull this large family together every year but by the time, this is all done, I am exhausted and happy for the quiet days that follow.
On the 24th at my Aunt Rene’s, we were sadly reminded of two missing family members this year – my cousin, Cory and his father, Ron who passed away exactly 6 months after he did in October. It is a hard year for my aunt but of course, we have no choice but to move on and remember the good times.